Below you will find “Media contents” for our individual products containing product texts and images..

Click the “SKU” number to download the package for the wanted product..


Seagull #MAP-X2
Seagull #GPK
Seagull #GPK2
Seagull #RADIO
Seagull #IMU
Seagull #REC
Seagull #REC2
Seagull #MAP2
Seagull #IR
Seagull #SYNC2

Camera cables for #MAP2 / #MAP-X2


Canon E3 – cable for #MAP
Canon N3 – cable for #MAP
Sony S1 – cable for #MAP
Nikon DC0 – cable for #MAP
Sony S2 – cable for #MAP
Nikon DC2 – cable for #MAP
Olympus UC1 – cable for #MAP
Sony S2, angled with On/Off – cable for #MAP
Sony S2, straight with On/Off – cable for #MAP
Samsung NX – cable for #MAP
Panasonic RS1 – cable for #MAP
Fujifilm RR-70 – cable for #MAP
Fujifilm RR-90 – cable for #MAP
Sigma CR-31 – cable for #MAP
Apple IOS – cable for #MAP

Camera cables for Seagull #REC2


#REC2 – ULTRAFLEX CABLE (30cm, Type A)
#REC2 – ULTRAFLEX CABLE (60cm, Type A)
#REC2 – ULTRAFLEX CABLE (30cm, Type B)
#REC2 – ULTRAFLEX CABLE (60cm, Type B)


#GPK to #MAP-X2 cable (Purple)
#GPK to Pixhawk 1 cable (Purple/Red)
#GPK to Pixhawk 2/3/4 cable (Purple/Blue)
#GPK to #GPK cable (Purple/Green)
#RADIO to #GPK “Base” cable (Purple)
#RADIO to #GPK “Rover” cable (Green)
#RADIO to Pixhawk 1 cable (Green/Red)
#RADIO to Pixhawk 2/3/4 cable (Green/Blue)
I2C to #MAP-X2 cable (Blue)

Seagull UAV – Marketing material

NOTE: Click logo to open in new tab and right-click to save it.

Segull UAV Logo,  Black version

1737 x 553 pixel



Segull UAV Logo, White version

1737 x 553 pixel