Seagull #HUB – let’s get it running !

Below you will find support for Seagull #HUB. Should you need more help, then please drop us a mail with the form on the bottom right.

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Setting up Seagull #HUB could not be easier!
Simply select the channels that #HUB is connected to, and trim the LOW/HIGH values for those channels, until the desired modes are met – refer to the table below:

Seagull #HUB features a micro SD card for configuring the units’ output values and other parameters.

ATTENTION: The micro SD card has to be formatted in either FAT-16 or FAT-32 format in order for #HUB to be able to recognize it.

The micro SD card will contain 8 configuration files, one for each of the output channels.
Every output channel file will contain the following standard configuration layout:



NOTE: If one of more of the files are accidentally deleted #HUB will generate new file(s) with standard format and settings
CAUTION: Always perform a “Safe Eject” of the micro SD card from your PC/Mac to avoid data corruption on the card !


Output*.txt files

The CH*RC*.txt files are automatically generated when #HUB is powered on for the first time, if a correctly formatted micro SD card is present.
If the files are present on the micro SD card when #HUB is powered on, the parameters will be read from the files and #HUB will be configured correspondingly.

If CH*RC*.txt file(s) become corrupt or you accidentally delete one or more, don’t worry – #HUB will generate the file(s) with default values if the specific file is not found on the card a power on.

Below you will find an explanation of the functionality and parameters for Seagull #HUB


Enable – enable or disable the following output channel, 1 will enable and 0 will disable the channel.

Neutral – neutral value to be outputted on the channel when not in use or after an output command has been triggered. (Note: if set to 0, the OUTPUT channel will keep the last PWM value triggered/outputted)

Master – PWM value desired for a master trigger mode activation etc. if written 1800, the master trigger mode will be entered once there is a signal of 1800 uS present on the Master INPUT of the #HUB. Please note when using the master mode trigger it will execute #MODE 1# settings that are set on the output configuration file.

Sweep Enable – enable or disable the sweep mode, 1 will enable and 0 will disable the sweep mode. ( Note: when sweep is enable on the output channel other functionality and trigger modes are disable on the channel )

Sweep MIN – the minimum point value of the sweeping range. (Note: minimum value to is 550 uS)

Sweep MAX – the maximum point value of the sweeping range. (Note: maximum value is 2400 uS)

Sweep SPD – desired sweeping speed. (Note: maximum speed is dependent on the servo – recommended maximum is 10)

POD – pre-output delay is a delay before the PWM signal is outputted. The value is in measurement of seconds.

PWM – desired PWM value to be outputted.

DUR – how long the PWM value should be outputted for before returning to Neutral that is set at the top of the output file. The value is in measurement of seconds.

T-L – Timelapse-loops a number of times to execute the following mode etc. if written 10 the same loop will be executed 10 times.

T-DUR – Time interval between each loop execution to output the PWM signal. The value is in measurement of seconds.

To determine what Seagull #HUB is currently doing – simply read the output of the
“SD CARD” LED and ”OUT” LED then match it with the “Action” in the tables below.

The following tables show the readout for the states of the output channels and SD card:

Still in doubt ?

Fly to our Contact page with your question
– and we will get back to you ASAP !